
At the Core of a Better Life

Global presence, local response

At Suanfarma, our purpose is to foster healthier lives in a sustainable world. We are a B2B life sciences company dedicated to health and innovation. To achieve this, we focus on developing, manufacturing, and distributing high-quality ingredients for the pharmaceutical industry in an innovative and sustainable way.

Our active ingredients are the fundamental components of medicines that improve the lives of millions of people and animals every day. At Suanfarma, we are at the core of a better life, helping them lead healthy lives regardless of their personal or social circumstances, by employing science and innovation.

Backed by a robust global network of 12 strategically located area offices, we cater to the needs of over 400 active customers in more than 70 countries. We engage closely with our customers in the development of their final formulations, adding value throughout the entire drug development process by providing customized solutions.

At Suanfarma we offer our CDMO capacity for fermentation and chemical synthesis projects, offering a One Stop Shop service with a solid track record, helping to achieve success in the development, scaling, manufacturing, and commercialization of an API, either innovative or generic.

Furthermore, we keep our customers informed about industry trends, enabling them to anticipate market demands.

At Suanfarma, we undertake the development and production of raw materials in strict compliance with the most stringent regulatory requirements established by the EMA or FDA.

Our facilities adhere to the strictest regulations within the pharmaceutical industry, maintaining Good Manufacturing Practices and following Standard Operating Procedures (PNT-SOP) to ensure the delivery of high-quality services.

Our history of expansion

Our international character, with subsidiaries and branch offices in different countries around the world, allows us to have extensive real-time market knowledge, a global perspective that enables us to understand and address the needs of our customers based on their regulatory (health and industrial property) requirements and the reality of their markets.



Suanfarma´s foundation


Representation of Suanfarma in China 


Establishment of Suanfarma USA


Establishment of Suanfarma Mexico


Establishment of Suanfarma Brazil


  • Acquisition Cipan´s manufacturing site (Portugal)
  • Establishment of Suanfarma Colombia


Establishment of Suanfarma India


Acquisition Rovereto´s manufacturing site (Italy)


Creation of our internal R&D department for proprietary IP


  • First internal API development using Flow Chemistry Techonology
  • Installation of HPAPI equipment for R&D 


Establishment of Suanfarma China


Our mission: foster healthier lives in a sustainable world

At Suanfarma, we are at the core of a better life.

We achieve this by innovatively and sustainably developing, manufacturing, and distributing quality ingredients for the pharmaceutical industry.

Our active ingredients are the core of medications that improve the lives of millions of people and animals every day.

We employ science and innovation to have a positive impact on many individuals, enabling them to lead healthy lives regardless of their personal or social circumstances.


Suanfarma exists to
foster healthier lives in a
sustainable world

Our vision by 2026: a positive impact in the world

Create more value
for our community

  • Contribute to a turnover of at least 5 billion in medicines from our client laboratories to end-customers.
  • Generate 150 new job opportunities.

Reduce our
environmental footprint

  • Save 2GW of electricity consumption per year.
  • Reduce our water consumption by 1.5 MM m3 per year.

our potential

  •  Increase our fermentation production capacity by 50% to meet the fermentation capacity needs in Europe for new medications.
  • Generate intellectual property in the form of 9 proprietary APIs.

Our values: guiding our journey to impact
